Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are the foundation to our club’s success and longevity! Throughout the season we will have many opportunities for you to fulfill the volunteer requirement.
Ice Install
Those lines don’t paint themselves! The week after the fall ride the real work begins. Help is always needed installing the boards, flooding the rink and painting the lines. A more detailed schedule of needs will be released as we get closer to ice-in time.
Zamboni Drivers
Training will be provided and the time spent training will be counted towards your total volunteer hours. Without smooth, safe ice, we cannot practice or perform in our shows.
Other Opportunities
Throughout the season there will be other opportunities that are announced as needed. Costume exchange, costume measuring, and raffle basket organizing just to name a few.
This is our club’s biggest fundraiser. There is a committee composed of board members and club members to help plan the event. During the competition there are plenty of volunteer slots to be filled. Set-up, registration, concessions, ice monitors, and many other positions go in to making our competition fun and successful.
Both our holiday show and end-of-year show take many helping hands to pull off. Set design, concessions, admission, and spot-lights are just of the few areas we need your help.